
Painted House Series


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Story Behind A painted House A Day

Today is day 88 of my art challenge, A painted House A Day. You may ask, why would I want to take on this project of committing to make something everyday? I woke up this morning with the same question and thought to myself that maybe I should have only committed to 100 days and not 183! Here is a little history on the subject matter of "Houses" and why they are such a meaningful image in my life: I lived in the same house since I was two years old, after moving across country from Tampa, Florida to Seattle, WA. I was raised in the same house since I was two and my parents still live in that house. I went away for college to Arizona and lived in Korea to teach English after college. I always went back to my home in WA between my college and adventures in traveling. To me a house is security, happiness, and home. Now I move every one to two years, my husband is in the Army and we get to live in many places and houses. I started using the imagery of a house in my art about four years ago when we were living on Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX. We had a historical Bungalow with a lot of charm. I always wondered about all of the different military families who had occupied the house before us. I wrote this a while back and added it to the back of a series of paintings I created called, "Home Again." Growing up I had two houses I called "home." As an adult and with a family of my own, I have had many houses to make a home. My husband is Active Duty Army and we move a lot! Although a move comes with work and saying goodbyes, we embrace each move and look forward to our new adventures, people to meet, and places to explore. Houses are houses. A home is for a family to create safety, love, and memories. As I make each move with my two daughters and husband, I find our locations and houses to change, but our home stays the same.

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