A Painted House A Day
Moving on to a new series of art houses! I had fun with the Fourth of July art houses.
This next series is inspired from my time living in Portland, Oregon while my oldest daughter was a year old.
Our home in Portland is a place I hold in my heart with memories of my daughter who at a year was already walking and talking.
We lived next to a community garden where she loved to explore and squish the cherry tomatoes in her tiny hands. We made daily visits to see Mushi the neighborhood pig and walked to Kinder music in the church basement where we sang and danced with little friends.
Petes Coffee was a frequent hangout to visit with friends, and Alberta Street, http://www.travelportland.com/collection/al... was an inspiration of funky shops, art galleries, coffee shops, and creativity abound. I remember the art show I had in a gallery on Alberta Street. Friends came from our neighborhood to support me and my family came from Seattle as well.
This series of art houses brings back memories of a wonderful, creative, learning, and funky time!
Thank you Portland and Maizie for these memories.
Quote about Portland, Oregon. "We want you to visit our State of Excitement often. Come again and again. But for heaven's sake, don't move here to live. Or if you do have to move in to live, don't tell any of your neighbors where you are going." --Governor Tom McCall, 1971 interview
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