A Painted House A Day
House #183
Stop Sign
"Every house where love abides And friendship is a guest, Is surely home, and home sweet home For there the heart can rest".
Henry Van Dyke
A Painted House A Day
House #183
Mixed Media on Canvas
4" x 4"
Mixed Media on Canvas
4" x 4"
This last house has a stop sign - of course for the meaning it gives - of stop, to stop and look and to stop this project because it is completed. I think it also means to stop by and stop and reflect. The small houses are the future houses I will move to in our next military moves. And one day a retirement house.
I made it to my goal of painting 183 houses on canvas!
This is my first house I painted on March 24, 2014!
Yellow House
This is House #100!
Stars in July 3
The Summer Lanterns series were the houses I made in the middle of this project.
In the month of June.
If you are new to seeing my Blog - Welcome! You have found me on the last day of my project. Please look back at my posts to see all of my painted houses - there is a lot to see!
Thank you to all who have followed my art challenge and given me support along the way through emails and comments. It means a lot to me!
I can't wait to send you your house paintings (those who have pre - ordered) and I can't wait to start preparing for the show in December.
Please keep following this blog for more updates on the show and to see my latest paintings and art happenings. I am not stopping this blog!
I also plan on doing more paintings with this house theme...larger canvas! And making some prints from the originals.
Garden Cottage House
Do you see a painted house that you love...that would be a wonderful addition to your home décor or as a gift to someone special?
Send me a message to reserve it. I will let you know if it is still available, some have found new homes.
Each house is an original!
You can pre order your house and I will mail it to you after my art show.
Pre Order your favorite Art House today!
The purchase of your favorite art house will hold your painting for you.
I will keep all 183 art house paintings until my project is complete. At the end of this project, I will have an art show with all of the paintings. The show will take place sometime in the winter of 2014. You are of course invited to attend the show and it would be so much fun if you could make it!
The location of the show will be announced at a later time.
Here are some details of the art you are purchasing:
Original paintings on canvas. Mixed media - including acrylic paint, paper, pastel, and other mediums.
Each painting will come ready to hang and enjoy!
Art houses measure 4 x 4 inches. All paintings are signed and dated.
$40.00/ painting plus a small shipping fee.
You will receive your original art house painting once my art show is completed. This should be sometime in the winter of 2014.
All artwork and content on the Christy Tremblay, A Painted House A Day Blog/ Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Images may be not be copied or downloaded and under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Christy Tremblay. Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. Christy Tremblay retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having sold the original image. You must contact her in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork. Thank you. Christy Tremblay (C) 1995-2014
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