
Painted House Series


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What's In My Studio Today? Mixed Media Original Collage on Wood - NEW!

What's In My Studio Today?
Mockingbird Song

I had fun creating this mixed media collage. It has a variety of materials - including; acrylic paint, handmade paper, maps, and oil bars.
My daughter is learning about the State of Texas and various facts; including the state bird - the Mockingbird.
She told me that the Mockingbird songs are over a dozen in variety. Come to find out, they actually have up to 200 songs!
 They are also very territorial of their space and especially their nest.  They will attempt to fly at anyone who threatens their space as well as make a very loud noise to let you know they are upset. We have Mockingbirds that nest around our yard and we can hear them singing as they protect their homes.
This collage painting is inspired by the Mockingbird and it's many songs.
Do you notice the little house?  If you have been following my know my love for using the house image in my work and my art challenge, A painted House A Day.
By the way...I am working hard to frame all of the house paintings.
The show is January 26th, 2015!
If you are new here, you will have to read back on my posts to see what I have been up to.
(C) Christy Tremblay 2014 
"Mockingbird Song"
Mixed Media Original Collage on Wood Block
5 1/2" x 3 1/2"
Christy Tremblay
This Original Art is available!

Mockingbird Song 

This art can be displayed hanging on the wall or standing on a shelf.

Very interesting...

Texas designated the mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) as official state bird in 1927. Northern Mockingbirds have extraordinary vocal abilities - they can sing up to 200 songs, including the songs of other birds, insect and amphibian sounds, even an occasional mechanical noise. The northern mockingbird is also the state bird of Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi.
The Texas legislature noted that the mockingbird:
" found in all parts of the State, in winter and
in summer, in the city and in the country, on the prairie and in the woods and a singer of distinctive type, a fighter for the protection of his home, falling, if need be, in its defense, like any true Texan..."

Thank you for stopping by!
If you are interested in any of my work you see on my blog, you may contact me for further information.

All artwork and content on the Christy Tremblay, A Painted House A Day Blog/ Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Images may be not be copied or downloaded and under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Christy Tremblay, or her legal advisers. Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. Christy Tremblay retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having sold the original image. You must contact her or his legal advisors in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork. Thank you. Christy Tremblay (C) 1995-2014



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