Showing posts with label original painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label original painting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Original Mixed Media Paintings - An Artists Creative Journey Through A Painting A Day

It's soooo late here and I would love a cup of good coffee!  Probably not a good idea as I still need to Go to bed!

A Painted House A Day
Coffee House
Christy Tremblay

I just couldn't wait to post this vimeo video I made today! 

Painted House A Day

It was so much fun to make and now that it is finished I see where I could have added more. I would have liked to add some of the quotes I used on this blog, with each daily painted house... But that is how this whole art project has been; a real learning experience that I can mold and adjust as I learn and find new things to add at a later time.


As I get ready to prepare for my art show with my painted houses ...

  My good friend and fellow artist, Jenn, wrote to me in a recent email...


A Painted House A Day


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Planning your Solo Art Show - Original Paintings

I am in the midst of planning for my show and am encountering some hurdles, nothing that I can't overcome!
I found this great article written by, artist, Rob Scott and wanted to share it for my reference as well as for those of you who may be planning your solo art show.

 Tips on Planning Your Solo Art Show
Congratulations! You’ve bravely bared your soul as an artist, you’ve worked hard, and you’re finally ready for a solo gallery show.
As a self-described ARTrepreneur, I’ve always tried to produce great results from a limited budget—and what I’ve learned is that for $250 or less you can plan an exciting two-day exhibit that will make you money, build a following and leave people wanting more. So how do you go about it?
Ideally, you should start planning three months in advance. Your first objectives will be booking a location and setting a date.

What to look for in a location

The location cost will be your greatest expense, but don’t exceed $150 if possible. Search out an area that provides walk-in traffic allowing you access to potential customers unreachable through your advertising.
A great idea would be an empty storefront along a busy street that’s currently waiting to be rented. Many landlords are happy to liven the space up for a couple days in exchange for a few dollars. Local community centres may also have space to rent.
Be creative with this! Don’t be afraid to approach business owners (restaurants, coffee shops, etc) and barter some artwork in return for a location. Your budget is $150, but your goal is to get it as cheaply as possible.

How to choose the right date

Unless you’re located in a popular tourist destination, plan your solo show for the middle of the week and avoid the summer months. If you don’t, you may miss a large portion of your potential audience to vacation and travel.

Coming up with a creative theme

Once you’ve set the date and location you’ll need to develop a theme for your show. Most likely you can do this for under $30, if not for free.
Always present your exhibit in a way that ties in with your artwork and leaves visitors with something they’ll remember. For example, if much of your art is about beaches, oceans or waterscapes, plan your decorations with that in mind.
Bring in buckets of sand, seashells and rocks. Add a beach chair with towels and an umbrella. Play ocean sounds in the background and wear shorts and a t-shirt to top it off. If you’re having fun, others will notice and respond positively.

Cost-effective ways to promote your show

I love no-budget marketing—if you’ve never done a solo show before, you might be surprised how much free advertising is available for artists.

However, you’ll still want to set your budget at $40 to allow for printing costs. Print 100 or more fliers announcing your show and distribute them to businesses and community bulletin boards throughout your area.
Plan to distribute your fliers a month before your show and then take advantage of the free advertising provided by community cable, radio and newspapers along with any other art marketing channels you know of. You can usually give your information online or through a phone number provided by these services.

In addition, contact your local newspaper(s) a week before your show with a press release providing who, what, when, where and why. Remember, editors want stories their readers will be interested in hearing, not a sales pitch—so make it interesting .
Don’t forget to add your contact number and information to the press release. (You can research sample press releases on the net for proper formatting.) Hopefully you’ll be contacted to do an interview, but there’s never any guarantee.
Don’t hesitate to contact individual journalists on your own, either—specifically those who write for the arts and entertainment sections of the paper—if you don’t hear back from the newspaper within a few days.

Last minute details

By now you’ve booked your location, set a date, developed a theme and advertised your show. All you have to do is tie up the loose ends in the final week.
Plan to spend $30 for finger foods and drinks. Don’t go gourmet, but don’t be cheap. This shows your customers you care about them even if they don’t make a purchase.
Make sure your art is completed and ready to hang and everything priced properly. As a bonus, something I highly recommend is writing down the history of each piece of art, along with the name, price, size and medium, and posting it next to your work.
Most of all, keep in mind that when it comes to art, people want to buy more than just an image—they want to buy the experience as well.
If you’re creative and willing to follow the steps outlined above, it’s quite possible to create that experience without breaking the bank.
For more articles by Robb Scott, visit .

These are some great tips and ideas! I will keep you posted on my progress in planning my show. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Christy Tremblay

Monday, September 22, 2014

Houses #179, #180, #181, and #182 - Our Houses 6, 7, 8, and 9 - Original Mixed Media Paintings of Houses

A Painted House A Day
House #179, #180, #181, and #182
Our House 6, 7 ,8, and 9
"Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts".
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
 Our House 6
Location - Issaquah, WA

 Our House 7
Location - Fort Bliss, El Paso, TX
 Our House 8
Location - Redmond, WA

Our House 9
Location - Harker Heights, TX (Fort Hood, TX)
Here are all of the houses together in this last series; "Our House."
 Each house painting is mixed media and painted on a 4" x 4" canvas.
Wow!  I have lived in some pretty colorful places.  Seriously though, each place has been an experience and I am lucky to have been able to live in so many new places.  I have so many memories and friends all over the country!  My daughters have learned to adapt to this gypsy life style that an Army life brings.  Because of all the moves and changes, they are very resilient and thrive in new situations.
So, this brings me to having just ONE house left to paint.  I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me, in seeing each new painted house.  I also hope that you will continue to stop by my blog to see what new art endeavors I am doing. And to see my latest paintings.

And don't forget to check in to see updates on my art show for all the 183 house paintings.  I am in the process of getting all details in place for the location and date of the show. I will post information here soon.
I will continue to take Pre -Orders on the original house paintings (not already reserved.) Please email me for more information.  Or send me a message on this blog.
More info below...

Do you see a painted house that you love...that would be a wonderful addition to your home décor or as a gift to someone special? 
Send me a message to reserve it. I will let you know if it is still available, some have found new homes. 

Each house is an original! 
You can pre order your house and I will mail it to you after my art show.

Pre Order your favorite Art House today!

The purchase of your favorite art house will hold your painting for you. 
 I will keep all 183 art house paintings until my project is complete. At the end of this project, I will have an art show with all of the paintings. The show will take place sometime in the winter of 2014. You are of course invited to attend the show and it would be so much fun if you could make it!
The location of the show will be announced at a later time.
Here are some details of the art you are purchasing:

Original paintings on canvas. Mixed media - including acrylic paint, paper, pastel, and other mediums.
Each painting will come ready to hang and enjoy!
Art houses measure 4 x 4 inches. All paintings are signed and dated. 
$40.00/ painting plus a small shipping fee.
You will receive your original art house painting once my art show is completed. This should be sometime in the winter of 2014.

All artwork and content on the Christy Tremblay, A Painted House A Day Blog/ Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Images may be not be copied or downloaded and under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Christy Tremblay. Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. Christy Tremblay retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having sold the original image. You must contact her  in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork. Thank you. Christy Tremblay (C) 1995-2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

House #171 - Rainbow House 7 (for 911)

A Painted House A Day
House #171
Rainbow House 7
(for 911)
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars".
--Khalil Gibran


A Painted House A Day
Rainbow House (for 911)
Christy Tremblay
As I reflect on this day, 13 years ago,  living in Issaquah, WA - preparing to get married one week later on September, 22. 
On this morning, I was driving to work, to teach a classroom of Pre- K students at a private school near my home.  I heard the news, on the radio, and again from parents, teachers, and the principle when I arrived at the school.  I know we all have a story and remember where we were when we found out.  This is important to have the memories and to not forget.
I hope you were able to have a moment of silence today to remember and reflect on 911.
Thank you for stopping by.  Check back tomorrow to see house #172!
All artwork and content on the Christy Tremblay, A Painted House A Day Blog/ Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Images may be not be copied or downloaded and under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Christy Tremblay. Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. Christy Tremblay retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having sold the original image. You must contact her  in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork. Thank you. Christy Tremblay (C) 1995-2014 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

House #169 - Rainbow House 5- A Painted House A Day

A Painted House A Day
House #169
Rainbow House 5
"We live in a rainbow of chaos".
 A Painted House A Day
Rainbow House 5
Christy Tremblay

The clouds in Texas continue to amaze me!  The wide open skies that bring big puffy clouds and rainbows in the midst of thunderstorms.
All things Rainbow...Rainbow umbrellas line the cafes in San Antonio, Texas.
What do the colors of a rainbow mean?
Pre Order your favorite Art House today!

Do you see a painted house that you love...that would be a wonderful addition to your home décor or as a gift to someone special? 
Send me a message to reserve it. I will let you know if it is still available, some have found new homes. 

Each house is an original! 
You can pre order your house and I will mail it to you after my art show.

Pre Order your favorite Art House today!

The purchase of your favorite art house will hold your painting for you. 
 I will keep all 183 art house paintings until my project is complete. At the end of this project, I will have an art show with all of the paintings. The show will take place sometime in the winter of 2014. You are of course invited to attend the show and it would be so much fun if you could make it!
The location of the show will be announced at a later time.
Here are some details of the art you are purchasing:
Original paintings on canvas. Mixed media - including acrylic paint, paper, pastel, and other mediums.
Each painting will come ready to hang and enjoy!
Art houses measure 4 x 4 inches. All paintings are signed and dated. 
$40.00/ painting plus a small shipping fee.
You will receive your original art house painting once my art show is completed. This should be sometime in the winter of 2014.

All artwork and content on the Christy Tremblay, A Painted House A Day Blog/ Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Images may be not be copied or downloaded and under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Christy Tremblay. Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. Christy Tremblay retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having sold the original image. You must contact her  in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork. Thank you. Christy Tremblay (C) 1995-2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

New Series! Rainbow House 1 - House #165 - A Painted House A Day

A Painted House A Day
House #165
Rainbow House 1
I believe a rainbow is a sign, to make us slow down and ponder, meditate, and remember.
 Rainbow House 1
Christy Tremblay
I completed all of my house series!  This means that each painted house up to house #164 has a complete set of nine in a series (with the exception of my first houses 1 to 18 which stand alone without a series.)
Today I started a brand new series with Rainbow House 1.
To be honest, I had no idea of what I wanted to paint today!  I went into my studio to begin house #165 and nothing came to me.  I looked at my notes and journals where I write down my ideas as they come to me, and nothing jumped out at me.  I thought for a few moments that I would need to postpone todays house until I had my plan, this seemed easy, to write a post about why I wouldn't have this house ready until a later date.  It also made me upset to think of not completing a painting.
I decided to step outside, as I often do (go outside) when I feel stressed or need a different point of view.  I have always loved to be outside, in nature and in an open space. When I stepped outside this is what I saw...

And this in when I decided on my next series of, Rainbow House.  Now, this wasn't actually the first time that I had this idea, for a Rainbow house.  I had it in my thoughts for a while...but had forgotten about it and had not written it down in my notes.
This is why I believe that rainbows are a sign or a symbol to let us now that we can stop and reflect and take the time to remember.
I hope you enjoy this next series!

I don't post houses on the weekend, but will post house #166 and #167- Rainbow House 2 and 3 on Monday.
I love to read comments and your ideas about my art and blog.
Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Painted House A Day- House #163 and #164 - Stars in July 8 and 9

A Painted House A Day
Houses #163 and #164
Stars in July 8 and 9

“If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.”

Stars in July 8 and 9 are dedicated to the memory of Robin Williams and Joan Rivers

Available for Pre - Order
Do you see a painted house that you
love...that would be a wonderful addition to your home décor or as a gift to someone special? 
Send me a message to reserve it. I will let you know if it is still available, some have found new homes. 

Each house is an original! 
You can pre order your house and I will mail it to you after my art show.

Pre Order your favorite Art House today!

The purchase of your favorite art house will hold your painting for you. 
 I will keep all 183 art house paintings until my project is complete. At the end of this project, I will have an art show with all of the paintings. The show will take place sometime in the winter of 2014. You are of course invited to attend the show and it would be so much fun if you could make it!
The location of the show will be announced at a later time.
Here are some details of the art you are purchasing:
Original paintings on canvas. Mixed media - including acrylic paint, paper, pastel, and other mediums.
Each painting will come ready to hang and enjoy!
Art houses measure 4 x 4 inches. All paintings are signed and dated. 
$40.00/ painting plus a small shipping fee.
You will receive your original art house painting once my art show is completed. This should be sometime in the winter of 2014.
To order your house please send a an email.

All artwork and content on the Christy Tremblay, A Painted House A Day Blog/ Website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Images may be not be copied or downloaded and under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Christy Tremblay. Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. Christy Tremblay retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having sold the original image. You must contact her  in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork. Thank you. Christy Tremblay (C) 1995-2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

House #157 - Rain 9

A Painted House A Day
House #157
Rain 9
"I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more".
- Anonymous
I am missing the rain!
It has been so hot here in Texas and no rain for months!  There is rain and thunderstorms in the forecast for this weekend, so hopefully I can do a rain dance soon!
Check back tomorrow for House #158.
Thanks for stopping by!
Be creative!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

House #115 - Black and White with Poppies 7

A Painted House A Day
House #116
Black and White with Poppies 7

"Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home."

--Mother Teresa 

Monday, July 7, 2014

House #104 - Alberta Street 1

A Painted House A Day
Alberta Street 1
Created on July 5th, 2014

I have completed four Alberta Street art houses as of today. Here is the first in the series.

"You can't go home again."

--Thomas Wolfe