Showing posts with label original paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label original paintings. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Art Studio Summer Clearance Sale

Art Studio Summer Clearance Sale

It's happening tomorrow!
My Art Studio Summer Clearance Sale!
I'm clearing out my studio to make room for new art!

You will be able to purchase original art at discounted prices. 
Paintings will be marked down this Friday, August 26th, at 

7:00 PM and on sale through September 7th, 2016.

Preview all art at My Gallery Page

See details of my Art Studio Sale at my Art FB Gallery Page

The prices you see now will be marked down (many at 50% off!) for the studio clearance sale on Friday, August 26th. Mark downs will begin at 7:00PM on Friday.
Local interested buyers please contact me if you would like to see a painting in person. Local buyers will be reimbursed for shipping costs!

Email with any questions!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Texas Wine and Rogue festival

Texas Wine and Rogue Festival March 27 and 28, 20105

"Winter Garden"
36 x 36 "
Original on Canvas

A Sneak Peek of just some of my Original Paintings to be featured at the...

Texas Wine and Rogue Festival March 27 and 28, 20105

I will also have available paintings from my Painted House A Day collection.  Many have sold...and there are still some wonderful paintings, waiting for a new home!



Monday, February 23, 2015

What's In My Studio Today?

Christy Tremblay
Works in Progress
Check out my small works in progress.
I am experimenting with some new abstract markings for some possible larger paintings.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Commission an Original Painting

I thought I would share my post about commissioned work.
You can also find this on my "Pages" listing on this blog.
Thanks for looking!

(c) 2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved
I create abstract paintings on canvas featuring vibrant colors and texture.

It is such a privilege to be able to create artwork that my collectors appreciate and enjoy living with. 


You can choose from the following types of paintings:


Abstract Landscape (Ocean Mood)
 Mixed Media on Canvas
30" x 48"
1. Abstract Landscape
You pick the colors and the mood or feeling of the scene
(warm, calm, stormy, mountains, beach, fields...)
and I will create a beautiful custom landscape,
perfect for your space.

(c) 2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved
"Lotus Bloom Aqua"
Abstract Landscape (Water Mood)
Mixed Media on Canvas
36" x 36"
 To see more of my work please visit my gallery .
Abstract Floral
Mixed Media on Canvas
12" x 12"
2. Abstract Floral
"Summer Bloom"
Abstract Floral
Mixed Media on Canvas
You pick the colors and flower types and I will create a beautiful custom floral still life perfect for your space.
(c) 2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved

3. A Painted House A Day
You pick the colors and theme for your house  
and I will create a one of a kind painted house just for you. (please feel free to refer to my painted house series on this blog for ideas)
Polka Dots House Series

Do you have any special memory treasures, you are saving? That might remind you of places you have lived. (old maps, notes, letters, cards, papers, children's drawings, etc...) I can incorporate some of these into your painting to create your personalized mixed media painted house.
"Turquoise" Map Series
Mixed Media Original
4" x 4' on Canvas

I create 2 to 3 commissioned paintings each month.
To see pricing and to reserve your commission painting, visit this listing.

After you reserve your commission painting slot we will communicate via email about your inspiration and color details.

Please contact me at my EMAIL with any further questions about your commissioned painting.

Please understand - I retain the right to use commissioned paintings for reprints, licensing, promotion, and publication at my discretion.  The client has the right to display the artwork in their home or business but artwork may not be resold or reproduced in any way.

(c) 2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Art Show at Salado Winery, Salado, Texas


Today I went to Salado Winery to organize and take inventory of the paintings not sold at my opening night reception.  It was fun to see which ones had sold!  I love knowing that my art is in new homes.

Here are the paintings that are available and will be on display at Salado Winery, through the end of March.
Please EMAIL me with any questions!

"Luguna Hills"
30" x 30"
Mixed Media on Canvas
 (c)2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved
"Rainbow House" Series and "Our House" Series

"Random" Series and "Fire Flies" Series

"Summer Lanterns" Series

"Alberta Street" Series

"Bird House" Series

 (c)2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved

"Black and White" Series and "Polka Dots" Series

"Turquoise" Series, "Summer Lanterns" and "Stars in July"

"Home Again"

"Walking in Fall"

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Artist Reception Pictures

Hello All,

Last night was a huge success!  We had a wonderful turn out. The weather was perfect, the crowd was engaging, and many of my paintings went to new homes!

Please enjoy the following pictures from my show.

You may be wondering...What is next with my  house project?

I do have more in mind!

Here is a list running through my head...

Larger paintings
A possible book of, "A Painted House A Day"
and more...

What are you interested in seeing?

Please keep checking back on my BLOG to see my art updates.

Events to put on your calendar...

Salado Art and Rouge Festival

March 28 to March 29

I will be showing my paintings at this festival, in the Salado Winery Gallery Room.

Enjoying the sunny day, before the big night!

Not sure how google plus did this to the pic,,,but pretty cool!

It is so much fun to help clients pick out a painting.

Fellow Army wives...Always so supportive!

Thank you to ALL of those who came out to support me! It means so much. And of course to those of you couldn't be there, I know you were thinking of me from a far.

Thank you for all the sales...I love to see my art going to new homes!


"After the Show"
My Girls...
We were so tired...But what a great night it was!

(c) 2015 Christy Tremblay ALL Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I made studio time today, and finished this fun painting!
This will be the last painting to hang in my upcoming show.
Thank you for stopping by!
(c) 2015 Christy Tremblay All Rights Reserved 
Mixed Media on Canvas
12" x 36"
Christy Tremblay